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Listen To Spoken Irish...
r o y a l h i l l
Visitors from outside Ireland
sometimes say that a visit to
this country is an almost
inexplicable emotional
experience. It is something
intangible that often calls our
visitors back again to our
shores. Consider a Gaeltacht
holiday in Rath Cairn and Baile
Ghib, listen to spoken Irish,
visit the great Hill of Tara and
there is no doubt but you will
be envoloped in this strange
emotion because the mystic
spirit of ancient Irish cultures
is alive and well in Meath
today. The Hill of Tara proudly
bears witness to the epic
adventures of Ireland's royal
background, to the good
times, and bad times of
Warrior Celts and High Kings of
old. On this mysterious Hill of
Kings, the Irish language, Irish
mythology and Irish history
and tradition and
The Spirit Of Ancient Irish Culture...